Swedish Anti-Counterfeiting Group


Artiklar & Seminarier

Welcome to SACG’s Annual General Meeting and seminar on the latest developments relating to the EU DSA and AI Act, August 31st, 2023!


16:00 – 17:00: SACGs Annual General Meeting (held in Swedish)

17.00: Seminar on the latest developments relating to the EU DSA and AI Act, followed by networking and drinks/nibbles

Location: Schjødt Law Firm, Hamngatan 27, Stockholm, Sweden

The EU legislature has recently adopted or is in the process of adopting key legislation focused on the regulation and governance of the internet and new and emerging technologies.

First, following the adoption of the Digital Services Act (DSA) in late 2022, both national legislature and concerned stakeholders are taking steps to implement and comply with it. Will the DSA realize its key objective of promoting “a safe, predictable and trustworthy online environment”?

Second, the EU’s current proposal for an AI Act, which is part of EU’s initiative to regulate artificial intelligence systems and promote trustworthy and ethical AI developments, is approaching the finish line too. While the AI act proposes strict regulations for high-risk AI systems, it also aims to foster innovation by providing clarity and legal certainty to AI developers, companies, and investors operating within the EU.

The purpose of the seminar is to discuss the legislative challenges and implications surrounding the most recent developments surrounding the DSA and the AI Act. To this end, SACG has invited experts to share their insights into the challenges and implications facing both instruments.            

Our speakers for the seminar (in alphabetical order) are:

Mikael Satama Granberg, MAQS

Måns Sjöstrand, AWA

Sanna Wolk, Schjødt

The presentations will be followed by a panel discussion and an opportunity to network with our speakers and participants. 

Kindly confirm your attendance no later than August 28th to: HELENA.REIMERS@REIMERSIP.COM

For those unable to attend in person, it will also be possible to attend online, just let us know (helena.reimers@reimersip.com) and we will send you an invite.

Agenda for SACG’s Annual General Meeting

1.       Val av ordförande vid mötet och fastställande av dagordning

2.       Val av två personer att jämte ordföranden justera mötesprotokollet

3.       Styrelsens förvaltningsberättelse

4.       Revisorernas berättelse

5.       Fråga om ansvarsfrihet för styrelsen

6.       Val av styrelse och valberderningens förslag

7.       Val av två revisorer och en revisorssuppleant

8.       Fastställande av årsavgifter i föreningen 

9.       Utseende av valberedning med uppgift att vid nästa årsmöte lämna förslag av styrelseledamöter samt revisorer och revisorssuppleant

10.   Övriga frågor


Bilaga 1 - Dagordning
Bilaga 2 - Förvaltningsberättelse
Bilaga 3 - Balansräkning
Bilaga 4 - Resultaträkning
Bilaga 5 - Revisorernas berättelse
Bilaga 6 - Valberedningens förslag

Seminar on AI and Anti-Counterfeiting, June 1st, 2023

Place and time: 17.00 – 18.00 CET, AWA, Jakobsbergsgatan 36 i Stockholm

The rapid growth of technology and new innovations, such as artificial intelligence, create new and improved opportunities for rightsholders to combat counterfeiting and piracy. At the same time, artificial intelligence brings new challenges for industry stakeholders and brand protection providers, while also raising new questions on how rightsholders can most effectively utilize artificial intelligence in combating counterfeits, piracy and brand misuse.

The purpose of the seminar is to exchange insights about the use of artificial intelligence and its ever-growing role in combating piracy and brand misuse. SACG has therefore invited industry experts that will share their insights about new perspectives and challenges related to the use of artificial intelligence in the brand protection industry.

Our speakers for the seminar are:

Måns Sjöstrand (moderator), AWA

Jeppe Hudtloff Viinberg, Righthub

Jamie Williams, H&M

Karin Söderberg, Sandvik

The presentations will be followed by a panel discussion and an opportunity to network with our speakers and participants.

Kindly confirm your attendance no later than May 29th to: helena.reimers@reimersip.com

It will also be possible to connect online. Please inform us if you intend to do so.

SACG Comments
Seminar on IPR, social attitudes and sustainability - Stockholm February 16, 2023

As part of the Swedish EU presidency 2023, the EUIPO and the Swedish Intellectual Property Office (PRV) invites participants and stakeholders to a seminar on IPR, social attitudes and sustainability. We are also pleased to announce that SACG’s chairman, Måns Sjöstrand, will be part of the panel discussion together with other stakeholders. The event will take place on February 16th between 9 - 14:00 at Radisson Blu Royal Viking (Vasagatan 1) in Stockholm.

If you are interested attending, please register on the following link


08:30-09:00         Registration, coffee and tea

09:00-09:20         Welcome and introduction

  • Moderator, Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, Christina Wainikka, Policy Expert Intellectual Property

  • Swedish Government, Sara Modig, State Secretary

  • Swedish Intellectual Property Office (PRV), Peter Strömbäck, Director General

  • European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), Andrea Di Carlo, Deputy Executive Director

09:20-10:30         IPR and Social attitudes

  • PRV, Margareta Ternell, Director of Marketing and communication Department

  • Swedish Institute for standards, SiS, Maria Sandqvist

  • Swedish Trade Federation, Magnus Nikkarinen

  • Spotify, Per Wendin

  • Swedish Anti-Counterfeiting Group (SACG), Måns Sjöstrand

10:30-11:00        Coffee break

11:00-12:15        IPR and Sustainability

  • EUIPO, Nathan Wajsman, Chief Economist

  • EUIPO, Peter Hedin

  • Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO), Orsola Lamberti

  • European Anti-Counterfeiting Network (REACT), Thorunn Sigurdardottir

  • Fenix Outdoor (Fjällräven), Christian Dalsgaard

12:15-13:15        Panel discussion and summary


  • PRV

  • Spotify


  • Fenix Outdoor

13:15-14:30        Lunch


The seminar will focus on social attitudes on IPR and IPR infringement and discuss the social, economic and environmental implication of piracy and the use and distribution of counterfeited goods.

Together with industry, right-holders, authorities, organizations, and other stakeholders we focus on goal 12 in Agenda 2030 (Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns). There are no concrete figures or findings regarding this matter but with the knowledge and experience from legal enforcement authorities, right holders and other stake holders we will discuss and explore what the negative impact of producing, selling and consuming pirated goods has on the environment and the economy.

Production and consumption of pirated and counterfeited products are not in favour of sustainable production and consumption. The poor quality of infringing goods will as well contribute to a higher consumption and a higher pressure on the environment. It is vital to inform the younger generation on how their buying behaviour can either save or ruin the future environment. We will also see how a change of social attitudes can be a tool to make (younger) people more aware of the disadvantages with infringing goods and make them avoid these.

Seminar on EU's Digital Services Act (DSA)

November 10, 2022, at 16.00-18.00 CET

Venue: MAQS Law firm, Stureplan 19, Stockholm

The DSA act is a result of a legislative initiative made by The European Commission to upgrade rules governing digital services in the EU. DSA aim to create a safer digital space where the fundamental rights of users are protected and to establish a level playing field for businesses. DSA is planned to enter into full force on January 1, 2024.

SACG has invited inspiring speakers who will reflect the practical effects of the DSA act from a right holder and consumer perspective, a marketplace perspective and from a view of a legal representative.

Our Speakers for the seminar are;

  • Benjamin Neyt, LVMH

  • Olivia Mazzucotelli, Amazon

  • Ludvig Holm, Westerberg & Partners      

  • Lena Johansson, former General Secretary at ICC Sweden

  • Måns Sjöstrand, Daniel Wellington

The presentations will be followed by an interesting Panel Debate.

We then end the afternoon with some networking mingle.

We’ll love to see you there!

Please sign up by responding to Karin Söderberg at karin.soderberg@sandvik.com

at the latest on Tuesday November 8, 2022. It will also be possible to connect online, let us know in that case!

Svenska Föreningen mot Piratkopiering
Swedish Anti-Counterfeiting Group (SACG)

Årsstämma och seminarium

Årsstämma och seminarium

den 1 juni 2022 kl. 16.00 – 18.30

Advokatfirman Vinge, Smålandsgatan 20 i Stockholm

Välkommen till SACG:s årsstämma med efterföljande seminarium och mingel

16.00 Årsstämma


Måns Sjöstrand, ordförande SACG (Daniel Wellington)

Se dagordning, Bilaga 1

17.00 Seminarium

Riksåklagarens roll som åklagare i HD för immaterialrättsliga mål

My Hedström, Byråchef på rättsavdelningen, Åklagarmyndighetens huvudkontor, gästar oss för att berätta om Riksåklagarens (RÅ) roll som åklagare samt senare immaterialrättsliga RÅ drivit i Högsta domstolen.

Anti-counterfeiting och valutaförfalskningar

Mia Falk, Ansvarig för Corporate Crime & Compliance, Vinge, med tidigare bakgrund på polisen kommer vidare tala för oss på ämnet valutaförfalskningar samt hennes tidigare erfarenheter när hon arbetade mot detta på EUROPOL.

North Face-målet, NJA 2008 s. 1082, i ljuset av senare praxis

Richard Wessman, Jur DR, Head of IP, Vinge, berättar om North Face-målet i HD och hur det kan betraktas i ljuset av senare rättspraxis.


Mingel och informella diskussioner följer seminariet!

Det bjuds även på vin och tilltugg efter.

ANMÄLAN till: karin.crafoord@groth.eu

Bilaga 1 – Dagordning

Dagordning årsstämma den 1 juni 2022 - Svenska Föreningen mot Piratkopiering (SACG)

1.       Val av ordförande vid mötet och fastställande av dagordning

2.       Val av två personer att jämte ordföranden justera mötesprotokollet

3.       Styrelsens förvaltningsberättelse

4.       Revisorernas berättelse

5.       Fråga om ansvarsfrihet för styrelsen

6.       Val av styrelse

7.       Val av två revisorer och en revisorssuppleant

8.       Fastställande av årsavgifter i föreningen

9.       Utseende av valberedning med uppgift att vid nästa årsmöte lämna förslag av styrelseledamöter samt revisorer och revisorssuppleant

10.   Övriga frågor

Inbjudan seminarium, Svenskt Näringsliv & SACG 20 april

Rysslands invasion av Ukraina

  • Effekter för immaterialrätten och den globala handeln med piratkopior

Onsdagen den 20 april 2022 kl. 14.00-15.30

Svenskt Näringsliv och Svenska Föreningen mot Piratkopiering bjuder gemensamt in till seminarium med fokus på de immaterialrättsliga följderna av kriget i Ukraina.

Som svar på de sanktioner som EU och G7-länderna infört mot Ryssland, samt den pågående flykten av utländska företag från landet, har det från ryskt håll annonserats om motåtgärder i form av bl.a ”nationalisering av tillgångar” tillhörande bolag som lämnar den ryska marknaden.

Det pågår redan även en mängd andra aktiviteter i Ryssland som riskerar immaterialrätter tillhörande aktörer från ”ovänligt sinnade länder”. Det handlar bland annat om varumärkesansökningar som lämnas in för varumärken som är snarlika kända varumärken från länder som Sverige. Det handlar även om rättigheter som har underkänts i rysk domstol, med hänvisning till att företaget som hävdar rättigheten kommer från ett land som infört sanktioner mot Ryssland.

Den pågående utvecklingen ritar inte endast om den immaterialrättsliga kartan i Ryssland utan kan även få djupgående konsekvenser för den globala handeln av piratkopior framöver.

Under seminariet kommer ovan frågor diskuteras samt de mer praktiska konsekvenserna för svenska och europeiska företag samt konsumenter.

Våra talare för seminariet är:

• Yana Tsygakova (Principal & Country Manager, Rouse Russia)

• Henrik Isakson (Policyansvarig för handelspolitik, Svenskt Näringsliv)

• Christina Wainikka (Policyexpert för immaterialrätt, Svenskt Näringsliv)

• Måns Sjöstrand (Global Head of IP & Brand Protection, Daniel Wellington)

Seminariet hålls på Svenskt Näringslivs huvudkontor, Storgatan 19 i Stockholm.


Anmälan till seminariet görs till karin.crafoord@groth.eu

The Swedish Anti-Counterfeiting Group (SACG)

/gm Klubbmästare Karin Crafoord


SACG inbjuder till frukostseminarium med IP-åklagarna

Torsdagen den 17 mars 2022 klockan 9.00-10.00, kaffe serveras från 0830

Kammaråklagare Oskar Edvardsson vid Riksenheten mot internationell och organiserad brottslighet kommer presentera åklagarmyndighetens arbete med immaterialrättsliga mål, hur verksamheten är organiserad, nyare praxis/intressanta straffrättsliga IP-avgöranden i Sverige under senaste tiden, aktuella mål och måltyper, trender samt internationellt samarbete.

Seminariet hålls på Advokatbyrån Gullikssons kontor, Karlavägen 60 i Stockholm.

Vi avslutar som vanligt med frågor och informella diskussioner. Varmt välkomna!


Anmälan till karin.crafoord@groth.eu senast den 15 mars 2022.

Med vänliga hälsningar

Joint industry statement DSA

Joint statement by business, consumer and civil society organisations:
In their current shape, some compromises on the Digital Services Act (DSA) would risk harming consumers and businesses, particularly offline SMEs 

We, the undersigned organisations representing businesses and consumer and civil society groups, are deeply concerned by the current direction of the European Parliament’s negotiations on the Digital Services Act (DSA) and by the content of certain draft compromise amendments that exclude key platform services. We urge policymakers to avoid adopting a framework that presents significant risks for both consumer protection and businesses’ viability and reputation, especially for offline small and medium enterprises.

As they currently stand, the limited scope and content of several obligations would not sufficiently prevent illegal goods or services, such as counterfeit or unsafe goods, or illegal ticket resales, from reaching consumers, both misleading them and posing risks to their health and safety, and harming legitimate businesses who face unfair competition from rogue traders. The current draft compromises fail to take into account the reality of e-commerce today and are sometimes based on misconceptions or limited evidence.

More particularly, we strongly advocate against an exemption for small platforms as well as the introduction of a so-called “waiver” for medium platforms, from certain due diligence obligations. Not only is this provision based on the false assumption that they would not have the means to implement those measures, but we believe it is also unfair and unjustified to protect small and medium platforms, when the majority of EU SMEs are in fact brick-and-mortar shops, manufacturers or other offline businesses, who particularly suffer from significant revenue losses due to the increasing number of illegal products being sold online. According to the Commission, only around 10,000[1] of the EU’s 25 million SMEs[2] are online platforms. SMEs are the backbone of the European economy and those who are operating in the offline world already play by a set of strict requirements to ensure consumers are safe and healthy. We do not see why online SMEs would not be required to follow similar rules. In addition, consumers are just as exposed when shopping on small platforms as when shopping on larger ones. Should SME platforms be excluded, rogue traders will simply move from larger to smaller ones.

In addition, we deeply regret that the current draft proposals do not adequately take into account the reality of online commerce. The DSA must hold accountable platforms facilitating the initiation of a transaction between traders and end-users, regardless of whether the transaction is actually concluded on the platform. For example, today, products, including illegal ones, such as certain online ticket resales, are not only sold on traditional marketplaces; there is a whole ecosystem allowing consumers and professional customers to buy online, such as social media networks that allow traders to show ads to consumers and redirect them to another site or advertising platforms. Limiting the scope of certain obligations, notably the Know Your Business Customer (KYBC) obligation to only traditional marketplaces would both ignore today’s market reality, and would allow rogue traders to move from pure online marketplaces to other types of platforms that face less stringent rules. We therefore recommend correcting this aspect in the compromise text, by making clear that all the above-mentioned platforms are subject to these obligations and failure to comply with those should result in meaningful consequences.

We hope these concerns will be taken into account as part of the discussions expected in the coming days. The protection and safety of consumers, customers and the environment, as well as fair competition for industry, are at stake.

[1]  SWD(2020) 348 final, 15.12.2020, ps. 9 & 24

[2]  COM(2020) 103 final, 10.3.2020, p.1


AIM - European Brands Association

ANEC – the European consumer voice in standardisation

APM - Aktionskreis gegen Produkt- und Markenpiraterie

BEUC – The European Consumer Organisation

COFACE – Families Europe

Dansk Erhverv - the Danish Chamber of Commerce

Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V.

EBPC – the European Balloon & Party Council

EDRA – European DIY Retail Association

The European Environmental Bureau (EEB)

EXPRA - The Extended Producer Responsibility Alliance

FEAT – the Face-value European Alliance for Ticketing

FESI - Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry

GACG – Global Anti-Counterfeiting Group

INDICAM – Istituto di Centromarca per la lotta alla contraffazione


Markenverband e.V. / The German Brands Association

Mercury Policy Project

SACG – The Swedish Anti-Counterfeiting Group

Svensk Handel - the Swedish Trade Federation

TIE – Toy Industries of Europe

Together Against Counterfeiting (TAC) Alliance


Virke / Federation of Norwegian Enterprises in Commerce

Zero Waste Europe


Counterfeits & Pharmaceuticals

SACG Seminar – Thursday 25 November 2021 at 15:00-16:30 CET – online via Teams

(to join the seminar, please use this link)

Following our seminars on the future digital regimes for the EU and the U.S., we invite to a new seminar dedicated to a current topic: Counterfeits & Pharmaceuticals.

The global pharmaceutical market has grown significantly in recent years and was as of end last year valued at about 1.27 trillion U.S. dollars. At no surprise, it’s a market that also have become an increasingly popular target for counterfeit actors. Not the least in the wake of the global pandemic as well as the general retail digitalisation trend. Historically, counterfeit pharmaceuticals may have been more of a concern in developing countries. Yet, the increased sophistication of modern counterfeiters and the reach of e-commerce have made counterfeit medical products more and more common also in Western markets.

Whether it may be male potency pills, hand sanitizers, or anti-cancer drugs, consumers over the world are at increased risk getting counterfeits in their hands. During the seminar we will hear form three different experts about current trends, real world case examples, how the pharmaceuticals industry fight counterfeits, as well as the role artificial intelligence can play for future anti-counterfeiting.

Our speakers for the seminar are:

·        Pasi Virta – Team Lead Supply Chain Quality, Pfizer

·        Tuomas Kannas – Co-founder & Senior Vice President, TrueMed

·        Vishv Priya Kohli – Assistant Professor, Copenhagen Business School

Louis Bonnier – Director of Programs, TRACIT.


Registration to SACG via Karin Crafoord at karin.crafoord@groth.eu

Kind regards,

The Swedish Anti-Counterfeiting Group (SACG) gm/ Klubbmästare Karin Crafoord

SACG Comment